Garden snapshot (09.25.2023)

Current temp: 57° F @ 12:06pm PST | High/Low: 65°/56°

The weather has just shifted with the Equinox. Candle and curry season is here!

A photo of my small backyard garden with goldenrod and asters in bloom on a rainy September afternoon

Note for the gardener:

  • MUST trellis the rose (behind the crape myrtle tree) next spring.

  • Time to divide the asters and pot up some pints for friends.

  • Same for the oat grass (maybe move to the greenspace if I can get HOA to approve (or go guerilla, just sayin’)).

  • Yes, replacing the lawn (and removing the firepit since the trees are too big now to be safe) is a good next step. Weed and divide first (and move the snowberries to the hill) (and come up with a plan for getting the blueberries more sun next year) before even entertaining this further.

  • The snapdragons didn’t work out. Don’t bother next year.

  • To fern or not to that fern, that is the question. Whether tis nobler to oust the volunteer or let it, let it be.

  • Remember the Schizachyrium will be there (in the back right/NW corner) next year. That’s exciting!

  • Wishlist: rain guards for the hummingbird and seed feeders.


Color study (red + silver plant pairings)


Stunner: Cosmos ‘Apricotta’