Stunner: Cosmos ‘Apricotta’

Cosmos pinnatus ‘Apricotta’ | Table runner by Target (circa 2019)

I bought a small light table last winter for annual seed starting, and this year I tried out Cosmos ‘Apricotta.’

Turns out a friend was growing them in her garden, too. Hers took less time to get going compared to mine, and she sent me a photo of the first blossom, which was decidedly NOT peach-colored. It took almost three more weeks before my stems started budding up, and sure enough, just like L’s blossoms, mine were also practically carmine.

I cut the first few stems to encourage more and resigned myself to the dark claret color. (And when I say “resigned myself,” it’s me being dramatic. They were still absolutely gorgeous. Just not what I’d planned on. None of the seed packet descriptions or flower photos show that dark phase of the flowers’ development. And for a planner like me not to get. what. I. planned. on?

It can take a few minutes to accept and adjust.

But, lo and behold, as I let the flowers alone for a few days, suddenly they were shifting into APRICOT. And the shading on the petals is nothing short of miraculous.

I cut spice jar bouquets for the house and my favorite neighbor from July on. Now, to figure out how to collect the seeds myself and save for next year!


Where to buy Cosmos ‘Apricotta’

Find seeds at your favorite nursery, farm store, or online at Botanical Interests, Select Seeds, Territorial Seed, or Floret (who sells out everything fast).


Garden snapshot (09.25.2023)