Loose ends

Current temp: 51°F | High/Low: 58°/48° — rain expected again this afternoon and for the next 3–4 days


Clockwise from back left: Morning Light Maiden Grass, Ninebark, Heuchera, Hosta

Viola ‘Nature(TM) Mulberry Shades’, Variegated False Holly, Kale "‘Crystal Snow’, Sweet potato vine, Wintergreen (Gaultheria ‘Winter Fiesta’, Sedum ‘Angelina’

Variegated False Holly, Sweet potato vine, Kale "‘Crystal Snow’

Hebe of some sort (white flowering, lost the tag), Mexican Feather Grass (Nassella tenuissima) — holding here until I can put in the ground


A fair number of loose ends that will wrap up and simultaneously kick off new beginnings this week:

  • Garden: seasonal refresh for the front porch pots (DONE)

  • Garden: order garland and start making wreath hoops (S tells me she started building her holiday playlist last week, eek! Here comes the season of lights! And by eek, I mostly mean squee! I’m excited about it this year. I wonder what that extra pre-holiday delight is all about.)

  • D2D: Fill out paperwork for new attorney (updating will and guardianship details)

  • D2D: Work w RJ' to develop and complete S’s high school selection matrix before Open House Tues.



Stunner: Aloe ‘Christmas Carol’


Vibes 11.04.2023